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About Silver Cloud Nursery Penwortham

Our aim is: ‘To provide a variety of learning opportunities, taking into account each child’s interests and needs, therefore giving them the best possible start in life’

The Little Village Nursery Penwortham is situated on New Lane. It is close to local amenities for parent’s convenience. We are a small family run business and we are proud to offer what our existing parents call a “welcoming home from home” for your children to play and learn during their time at nursery.

Baby Unit

The Nursery has a large Baby Unit, which at full capacity can accommodate 12 children aged 0-2yrs.  It’s a big step starting nursery and we aim to make that transition as smooth as possible for parents and children. We offer settling-in sessions that allow parents and children to become familiar with the nursery and feel comfortable safe and secure to make the most of their time here with us.

Each child will have a key worker and we feel that it's important the children and staff get a chance to bond before starting nursery easing parents' minds when children start and helping the children to ease into nursery smoothly. As we are a small setting we can offer a tailored settling-in package that suits each child as we know all children are different.

Staff are all very friendly and have lots of experience caring for babies and can offer advice if needed, we feel that it is a very welcoming environment. So much so that often parents stay during drop off and pick up to have a chat with their child key worker or even a little play with their babies after a long day at work! Parents are always welcome into the nursery we love it when they come in to see us and so do the children! Stimulation is important at this stage and we have a variety of activities and equipment to encourage this following the EYFS curriculum which is full explained during a show around of nursery.

Each child has a daily diary via our Famly App, which is a detailed instant source of information regarding food, sleep and activities throughout the day. Our parents can log into the app at any time of the day and contact your child's key worker for peace of mind. Parents can see pictures and updates of how their child is getting on at nursery too! 


Toddler Room

Once your child is nearing the age of two your key worker will discuss with parents about progressing onto the next stage of their nursery journey, the toddler room. Change however small, can be a little daunting for both children and parents. We aim to take the transition at your pace introducing new key workers, arranging settle in sessions and handing over key pieces of information for your child to make sure they are entirely happy and comfortable in their new room.

Here the children enjoy free play flowing through indoors and outdoors as each child wishes, as well as some adult lead activities inspired by the children’s own interests allowing them time to experiment with different activities.

This is called continuous provision allowing the children to have choices and decide for themselves where they wish to play. Our skilled team will observe the children's during play and design the environment to extend learning through children's interests.

Each child will have their own key worker, this member of staff our parents point of contact and is on hand to discuss any queries or just general advice that parents may want to know. 

Our staff have been childcare for a long time and can be a knowledgeable source of information should parents need it. At this age children are growing in independence Little Village fully supports parents with potty training whenever the parent decides is appropriate.




Our Pre-schoolers love going in to our specialized pre-school rooms which are just that little bit more complex, challenging the children just that little bit more before they take their next steps into school.

We provide a learning program along with our parents following the EYFS that helps children with ‘school readiness’ and challenges the children to achieve their full potential while still having fun and learning through play.

Each achievement is documented, and learning tracked by your child’s Key Worker into their learning journey on your child's Famly profile which is available for parents to look at and take home any time they like. We also have parents' evenings twice a year which allows us to catch up and development at home as well as let parents discuss any concerns and have a look at their child’s learning.


Our open door policy ensures that the children have the opportunity to play outside as often as possible.


Climbing, running, bikes, balls, gardening, building, sand play, milk crates, tires, water, painting with many of the same provisions available inside.


Children are learning all the time they are playing. As well as outdoors we also have a nursery minibus which allows the children to go on lots of outings to the local community.


Welcome to the Silver Cloud

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